Cleansing with Your Community! April 2015

JannaNewsletter Articles

Cleansing with your community…a more fun and successful approach    Have you ever ventured out alone on a cleansing program and found yourself quickly “off the wagon?”  How about opting out of your friend’s birthday cake because you’re off gluten?  Have you ever avoided social … Read More

Pelvic Health Will Open Your Heart

JannaNewsletter Articles

  by Jamie Lashbrook, LMP   “I laid down to maintain connection with my uterus/sacral chakra, as you suggested -being that I haven’t connected with the self-care massage. I spiraled through a cycle of breaths with one hand on my sacral chakra, one on my heart. … Read More

Committing to Your Power

JannaNewsletter Articles

By Lisa Valent, ND, LMP   Hi! Welcome to today. I know most of you are currently thinking about New Year’s resolutions, and we tend to know the trajectory of these. You start on some exercise or eating plan, get about 3-4 weeks in, you feel … Read More

Adrenal Health – Your Life Depends on It

Tim ZimmerNewsletter Articles

by Jamie Lashbrook, LMP   Adrenal fatigue seems to be all the buzz lately.  It makes sense that integrative and now allopathic doctors are looking at our adrenal system as a source of the many complaints clients/patients have today.   Our adrenals, simply put, manage how our … Read More

Adrenal Fatigue – Case Study

JannaNewsletter Articles

Adrenal Fatigue – Case Study by Shelly Shelley, LMP Male: 54yrs old History: Client has been having panic attacks from mild to severe. First onset was 2005 and coincided with stressful, long term relationship break up. Since then attacks have surfaced with big life changes and stressful … Read More

Nettle Infusion

JannaNewsletter Articles

Nettle Infusion by Heidi Ochsner, RD Nettles are a nutrient dense green that has an impressive list of attributes including:          • Digestive restoration      • Tone and strengthen intestines, kidneys, lungs and arteries      • Safe and gentle diuretic     • Adrenal rebuilder   … Read More