Yoga 101: Marjarasana, Cat-Cow
By Chris Tanaka, MA, Certified Yoga Instructor
Marjarasana- a gentle flowing vinyasa pose often called Cat–Cow.
- gentle abdominal and digestive organ massage
- removes tension around the spine, shoulders and neck
- helps to reduce fat around the abdomen
- makes the spine and back supple, enhances the nervous system functions
- reduces menstrual disorders and returns the uterus back to health after childbirth
Moving into the pose
- Start with hands and knees on the floor in table top position. Hands should be shoulder width distance, and the knees should be hip width distance apart.
- On the exhalation press the hands and shins into the floor and round the spine. Draw the sitting bones and head down toward the floor.
- Focus on rounding the spine and spreading the shoulder blades away from each other.
- On the inhalation flow into the concave back position. Press the hands and shins into the body and move the lumbar spine toward the belly.
- Draw the shoulder blades back and toward each other. Move the head and tailbone toward each other.
- Flow in this pose for 9 breaths, exhaling in the convex position and inhaling in the concave position.