Free Energy Flow

Finding Resolution and Freeing Life Force Energy in 2017!

Your life force energy is ready for attention in 2017!
Where will you open up and free its flow this year?

Not sure?  Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths.

Your body will reveal where it feels comfortable and where it’s not.  These “blockages” do not always represent ill health, although they may lead to it.  Sometimes, the areas we have trouble breathing into may indicate where we are holding on; keeping something afloat that might be ready to crumble.  Maybe these shut down areas are where we locked up a little hurt, but now we want to let in a little love?  Take an illuminating life breath into those areas and explore the valuable messages that lie within.  

At the turn of the new calendar year, we are at the beginning of how we manage ourselves with time.  However, we are in the middle of the deep, restorative phase of winter.  This makes for a perfect visionary moment.  Take all that warm, residual holiday magic and dream up the newest version of yourself; the new “I AM.”  Plan for action, and create the order and simplicity that will give rise to your dreams of wildly, potent wellness.

At the Tummy Temple, we will be focused on gaining clarity, using our motto of “Relax, Cleanse and Transform” to guide us.  Some will need to prioritize relaxation in order to de-clutter the mind and nerves.  Others will need to decongest the body to gain more mental clarity and resolve physical ailments.  I will be among those who just want a good rub down to slough off the hard work of last year!  Transformation is ongoing, but it gains momentum as we intentionally clean up and widen the channels that allow our life force energy to flow freely.

Information on “how to” implement healthy lifestyle practices is already freely flowing at the Temple.   It feels like a bee hive in the beginning of the year as we welcome and embrace all those new year’s resolutions!  So join usGrow with us.  Learn with us.  Cleanse with us.  Renew with us.  … in the all new territory of 2017!  

Kristi Zimmer
Co-owner, Tummy Temple





Image Credits: Yoga-1384758