For the Love of Craniosacral Therapy

At the Tummy Temple, we use a multitude of therapies to help clients find and maintain wellness. Our treatments are tailored to each client’s individual needs. I practice Massage Therapy, Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) and Craniosacral Therapy (CST). While I love them all, I have a special place in my heart for the CST!
I love CST so much because, while being incredibly gentle, it is extremely powerful. Because it taps directly into the nervous system, it can help so many issues, including:
  • Reproductive organ issues such as
    • Endometriosis
    • C-section scarring
    • Hysterectomies
  • Digestive issues
  • Headaches
  • TMJ [temporomandibular disorder]
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Trauma-related injuries
    • physical
    • emotional
  • Structural dysfunction
  • Insomnia
  • Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Because it is so gentle, I have had great results using Craniosacral Therapy for working guarded and emotionally loaded areas of the pelvis, neck, and head. Clients report feeling not only relaxed, but more at home and in tune with their bodies. CST is profound on its own and combined with other treatments such as massage or ELT. Alone, it can be done with the client fully clothed, and is a great way to introduce a client to hands-on therapies. It is also wonderful if someone is not able to tolerate much pressure. Combining CST with massage helps a client relax fully and help the muscles soften so the massage is more enjoyable. Since ELT moves the stagnant lymph through the body, I can use CST to pinpoint congested areas as well as help direct the lymph out of stuck areas.Craniosacral therapy is named after the two ends of the craniosacral system: the head (cranium) and the base of the spine (sacrum). Within this system, the brain and spinal cord are contained by a sac of fluid, called cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid protects, cleans, and nourishes the brain and spinal cord. The movement of cerebrospinal fluid is very subtle but can be felt throughout the entire body using light holding techniques. I am gently able to connect to a client’s nervous system to encourage profound healing and relaxation. Using the skull and spinal bones and the fascia, I am able to work with the body to heal itself from injury, emotional or physical traumas, and nervous system dysfunction. CST is a way of helping the body remember what “optimal” is. The body is doing most of the work. I’m just shining a flashlight and being a witness to the innate ability to heal.

I love this work, both by itself and in conjunction with everything else we offer at the Tummy Temple. Our goal is wellness, and Craniosacral Therapy supports that beautifully.

Catherine has been practicing massage for ten years, and fell in love with Craniosacral Therapy while in massage school. In 2014 she certified through the Craniosacral Therapy program at Bastyr University and is now a Craniosacral Teaching Assistant and Student Mentor for Bastyr. Catherine is available Monday through Thursday evenings and occasional weekends at Tummy Temple.

Catherine Oliver, LMP

Click here to schedule a session with Catherine.

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