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The Means and Ways of Healthy Holidays >> Tummy Temple Times Nov 2014

Achieving a healthy holiday season doesn’t have to be hard.  In fact, there are so many ways to practice wellness during November. A cornucopia of squash, dark leafy greens, warming soups and stews abound to keep you nourished.  The Thanksgiving holiday is focused on being together and being grateful!  So why does the impending holiday season, beginning at the end of this month, bring on stressful anticipation?  How can we slow things down this month?  How do we establish a healthy routine that eases us into the holidays feeling full of vitality and peace? 
Many members of the Tummy Temple community have already begun cleansing and renewal rituals.  This is an excellent way to take the extreme edges off of the holiday season before it even begins.  Some have done complete clearings of caffeine, sugar, dairy, grains and alcohol for a deep clean.  Others have simply eaten more vegetables and taken probiotics.  There is a huge range of how and what people decide to clear out and reset to achieve moderation.  But how do we determine what’s right at this time and what will best prepare us for the near future?  
The answer is obvious for some and for others, the journey to inner knowing takes skilled guidance.  Bodywork provides a moment of rest and clarity that brings forth the inner knowing of exactly what is right for you.  A consultation with a Naturopath can help you set clear goals and utilize diagnostics for accurate baselines.  A vibrational medicine session can clear away old patterns and set up new and improved ways of being.  There are many ways to access the wisdom of the body-mind.  
Regardless of how you get there, the result that you are looking for is a sense of calm, wellness and clarity as you enter the holiday season.  The time to start cultivating the experience you wish for is now.  Imagine cooking a simple, stress-free, and nourishing meal for Thanksgiving.  Consider involving your whole family or a circle of friends with making the meal.  Plan a rejuvenating walk to keep energy up and slough off accumulated stress.  Take time for some bodywork during your days off from work (stay tuned for holiday specials and bring a friend).  Find meaning, motivation and direction with a rested mind and peaceful spirit.  
And, of course, thank your body for carrying you through this journey called “life.”  

With much gratitude,


Kristi Zimmer, LMP

Co-Owner of Tummy Temple


Image Credits: Shutterstock.com: Feasting backed turkey on holiday table ready to eat by Bochkarev Photography