Nettle Infusion

Nettle Infusion
Nettles are a nutrient dense green that has an impressive list of attributes including:
    • Digestive restoration 
    • Tone and strengthen intestines, kidneys, lungs and arteries 
    • Safe and gentle diuretic
    • Adrenal rebuilder
    • Anti–inflammatory (especially in the GI tract)
    • Heal ulcers
    • Relieve allergies
    • Tone liver and gallbladder
    • Highly nourishing during pregnancy and lactation
    • Great for skin, hair and nails
    • Antiseptic    
    • High in vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals (see chart) 
Nettle Infusions are easy to make and delicious too. Unlike a tea that is only steeped for a few minutes an infusion is brewed for 4-12 hours resulting in a much stronger therapeutic drink. Drink 2-4 cups a day.
Step 1 – Get dried nettle leaf. Drying the leaf helps the cell walls ‘crack’ so the nutrients inside are more available. I have purchased dried nettle in the PCC bulk section, at specialty stores such as The Herbalist and online.
Step 2 – Put two large handfuls (about a cup) of dried nettle in a quart jar. Use a canning jar such as a Ball or Kerr jar that will not break when boiling water is used.
Step 3 – Fill with boiling water and place a lid on top. Leave on the counter for 4-12 hours.
Step 4 – Strain out nettle leaf (great mixed in dog food!). Either drink cold (I love it with lots of fresh lemon juice) or reheat (I love it with coconut milk, vanilla and if desired a touch of raw honey or sea salt)
Step 5 – Refrigerate any unused infusion and consume within 36 hours or it will spoil. If spoiled use as a final rinse when washing your hair or water your plants with it!
P.S. – other herbs can be infused too!
Reference: Healing Wise by Susan S. Weed