2016-10-Newsltter Kristi Immunity-Community shutterstock 257655130

Community Immunity

Twice a year, the Tummy Temple community comes together to collectively cleanse and renew.

We do this because practicing wellness together is more fun, more effective and highly stimulating. Lively chatter fills the Temple with new recipes, product reviews and juicy reports of personal transformation.

As the leaves turn in October, it’s that time to turn to each other for support in letting go of what is no longer useful and eroding our health.

What are we cleansing? Well that’s for you to decide.

The Vitality Club Special features our most popular cleansing program, the Advanced Clean Up Kit (view details here). This kit has everything you need to address inflammation, microbial imbalance, liver toxicity and bowel restoration.

However, cleansing goals may differ with regard to intensity, system focus or even psycho/spiritual vs. physical. Some people may work primarily with diet, some may choose a body work focus, others will include supplements, and some may give up complaining or negative relationships. Take time to consider what is truly taking a toll on your immunity as you head into the cold/flu season. Don’t get too caught up here, because the focus this time of the year doesn’t matter as much as the strengthening connection and support that we will find in doing it together.

So how do we stay in touch? Well, modern technology has blessed us with the ability to create these virtual community chat rooms called Facebook Groups. We will employ this technology to stay connected, entertained and inspired by each other. Tummy Temple Team members will be monitoring and engaging this community throughout the month of October.

Sign up here to support each other in this format.

This is also a great way to get our extended community involved. If you have a friend or family member in Tuscon, Tampa, or Tacoma who’s been wanting to do a cleanse, then have them join in the fun! **Although, please do forewarn them that there may be plenty of poop talk ahead!

Another amazing option for staying supportive and connected is through our Meditation Circles on Monday nights at the Temple. The intuitive and divinely inspired Helen Lowe will continue to lead the group into deep states of calm, insight and activation of the body’s innate healing abilities.

This circle has been especially helpful for those who have tried to meditate before without success. Helen’s method of embodied mindfulness makes it easy to finally sit still and listen to the messages from within.

Whether you’re on location or online, the key to our success is to join together.

Letting go of habits and ways of being that are past their prime and eroding your health can be difficult. Knowing that we are all building immunity in community is a boost to the will in those challenging times.

So lean into this healing circle and lean on each other for strength. Inspiration, connection and wellness are sure to follow. 

Featured-Templer Kristi



In joyful service,

Kristi Zimmer, LMP, Co-owner of Tummy Temple






  • Photo Credit: ShutterStock.com | Image ID:257655130 | Copyright: Africa Studio