
Community Partner Highlight: Delicious Planet

We’ve been using Delicious Planet for many years for personal dietary support and hosting events. Their Detox Program is a brilliant combination with Tummy Temple services. You omit caffeine & alcohol and get ready for a life changing experience!

The company is run by Bastyr Registerd Dietitian Graduate, Randi Carter. She designs cleansing menus free of gluten, dairy, corn, egg, citrus, and soy. All dishes are prepared with the highest quality and mostly organic ingredients. They provide 3 deliveries a week of breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks. This helps you keep from falling off the detox wagon!

Their Detox Program is the perfect way to start your spring cleansing without any hassle or hold up in your own kitchen. And did I mention…THEY DELIVER ALL ORDERS TO YOUR DOORSTEP!

Please visit them at to order and use the coupon code “RENEW” to get your $20 off your first week!

Detox program: