Cleansing with Your Community! April 2015

Cleansing with your community…a more fun and successful approach 
Have you ever ventured out alone on a cleansing program and found yourself quickly “off the wagon?”  How about opting out of your friend’s birthday cake because you’re off gluten?  Have you ever avoided social situations that involve dining/drinking altogether, because you didn’t want to be tempted?  Although people are much more cleansing aware and friendly these days, there can still be a sense of disappointing separation when you opt out of your Mom’s homemade pasta and Uncle George’s wine.
Sharing in food and celebratory drinks is a bonding experience and a way that we show our love and caring. And, let’s face it, there is never a time when something celebratory isn’t going on whether it be a holiday, birthday, graduation or a visit from an old friend.  Again, we soothe and nourish ourselves and each other with offerings from the hearth on a daily basis, and the hearth menu often includes spicy, pork sausage chili over veggie juice.  
So how do we occasionally clean up our bodies and make the most important therapy session of the week—Friday happy hour with our bestie?  Cleanse together!  That’s right, recruit your loved ones and do it together!  The Tummy Temple team has been doing this for years with fantastic results!  We support each other by sharing program ideas, recipes, woes, joys, insights and giving each other encouragement.  Last week we toasted our assistant manager, Caitlin, with champagne and in a few weeks when we embark on our community cleanse we’ll all be toasting with Shelly Shelley Coco Water!
Now, you might be thinking that this isn’t possible because there is no one detox program that fits every person.  HOW TRUE!  The key to success is to customize and then share your experience.  Templers simply set a time period and individually decide on their focus.  One person may do an extensive body cleanse for 3 weeks and another person may opt of complaining for a few days.  Something magical happens when cleansing becomes the focus of the community.  Experiences are shared, support is felt, and success ensues!  
This spring we are inviting the entire Temple Community to cleanse with us beginning Monday, April 13th.  We will be running the Tummy Temple Community Cleanse Facebook Group through Monday, May 4th giving you 3 weeks to choose and execute a cleansing program of your choice and SHARE!  We will celebrate this community experience with a celebratory OPEN HOUSE PARTY on Friday, May 8th from 4-7pm.  Bring your friends, colleagues and cleansing curious friends and celebrate healthy living with us!
If you aren’t sure where to start then just give a call.  We will be running specials on our most popular detox programs this month as well as offering another free Cleansing 101 class (TBA).  Book a Naturopathic Consultation for more complex medical issues or see a Temple Body Work Specialist to help guide your choices.  And as always, trust your gut for what is best for you this spring.


In joyful service,

Kristi Zimmer, LMP

Co-Owner of Tummy Temple