May 2017 Rebirth-day

Web MasterNewsletter Articles

may phoenix small

  Every year at birthday time we are all blessed with the opportunity to reflect on life; how it’s going, where it’s going, and what makes the wish list!  And then there are some years when a supernatural force takes over your existence and you … Read More

Liver Cleansing for World Peace!

Web MasterNewsletter Articles

  Liver cleansing for world peace? Excuse me, what did you say? Seriously? YES! We are very serious! Anyone who has done an extensive liver cleanse can tell you that the results are no joke. Balanced hormones, increased energy, reduced chemical toxicity and sensitivity, better … Read More

The Art of Decongestion

Web MasterNewsletter Articles

Whip out those enema cans and dry skin brushes! Spring arrives this month in all her glory! This is quite possibly our favorite time of the year at the Temple, so please forgive the excitement that streams forth from this newsletter. Why are we so … Read More