Colon Health

Colon Health



Constipation is the incomplete elimination of waste. This can lead to an increase in toxins in the body and a decline to one’s overall health. 


Some of the most common reasons for this condition can vary from poor diet, dehydration, lack of exercise, scar tissue, intestinal prolapse, spasms, and stress.


Constipation can be dealt with in several different ways including Colon Hydrotherapy, abdominal massage, and Registerd Dietitian Consultations.

Colon Hydrotherapy cleanses actual waste from the colon, which can promote proper bacterial activity. Exercising the bowels, it can improve the strength of the muscles which comprise the walls.

The specialized tube used to filter water into the colon is called a Speculum. The speculum allows for the insertion of purified water and the removal of the waste. The type of speculum may differ from physician to physician but all work basically the same.

The speculum is inserted in through in rectum and about 3 inches into the rectal canal. Hot and cold water are used to create relaxation and contraction. The waste is broken down and exits the body through a viewing tube to help in the assessment of issues and possible solutions. The entire length of the colon, between 4 and 7 feet, can be cleansed.

Abdominal massage can help to manually move material in the colon. Particularly helpful for those with scar tissue or stress related issues, massage can release tension, realign organs, release adhesions and also improve the overall tone of the bowel.

A change in diet would also have a dramatic effect on the bowels. Registerd Dietitian Consultations is used to pinpoint digestive issues, how they relate to the bowel problems, and creating reasonable, long term solutions.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome


IBS is somewhat of an umbrella category for those suffering constipation, constipation altering with diarrhea, or chronic loose bowels.



Colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that generally affects the rectum and the lower left portion of the colon, though it may spread throughout the colon.   The cells of the intestinal mucosa lining become inflamed and bleed.


While the cause of the disease is unknown, there are theories around contributing factors.  Some factors are poor diet, stress, food allergies, environmental toxins and microbes.  It is unknown whether the immune system reacts to the said factors and results in colitis or the immune reaction is itself the cause. 


Diet along with gut healing nutrients, beneficial bacteria and abdominal massage can help to reverse the effects of Colitis. Massage is used to increase the circulation of the nutrients needed to heal the lining. It also brings about important nervous system responses whereby the entire body functions better.

Colon Hydrotherapy can be used focusing on decongesting and decreasing the toxicity of the bowels. The specialized tube used in this process is called a Speculum. The speculum allows for the insertion of purified water and the removal of the waste. The type of speculum may differ from physician to physician but all work basically the same.

The speculum is inserted in through in rectum and approximately 3 inches into the rectal canal. Hot and cold water are used to create relaxation and contraction. The waste is broken down and exits the body through a viewing tube to help in the assessment of issues and possible solutions. The entire length of the colon, between 4 and 7 feet, can be cleansed.

Registerd Dietitian Consultations is also used to aid the immune system back into proper working order.

Painful Menses


Painful Menses is an issue in which women experience excessive, uncomfortable cramping. Misalignment of the uterus can lead to significant pain before and during the “evacuation” phase.


Normally the uterus is positioned slightly forward, or anteverted.   Minor contractions begin during the evacuation phase to empty the uterus.

When the uterus is out of alignment either to the side or backward, called Tipped or in worse cases, Retroflexed, it can fall on to the rectum. This is not in the optimal position for elimination and could cause excessive, very painful contractions.


Professional abdominal massage along with self massage is often used to correct the problem. Manually positioning the uterus, it is moved back to its most optimal spot and “trained” to stay there. The circulation of fluids brings the proper nutrients to the uterine tissue.

Leaky Gut / Food Allergies


The term “Leaky Gut” is commonly used to describe the issue of undigested foods, or proteins, “leaking” through the intestinal lining. When these proteins are repeatedly exposed to the immune tissue within the intestinal lining, the body begins to treat them as foreign invaders. As a result, a variety of immune responses such as psoriasis, eczema, and sinusitis can occur.


The intestinal mucosa can be altered by medications (antibiotics, Tylenol, and a variety of pharmaceuticals), diet, alcohol, caffeine, stress, and even tap water.

The mucosa lining of the colon can become more porous than it should and allows the passage of various proteins. White blood cells snap into action and attempt to rid the body of the substances. Meanwhile, the body sets up a histaminic, or allergic, reaction.

Systemic Candidiasis Infection is one of the more common causes of “leaky gut.” With SCI, the Candida bacterium, or yeast, overpopulates in the colon. When this happens, it begins its second life cycle, mold. The mold then “roots” itself into the wall of the colon via “rhizomes,” or tiny roots. As these roots penetrate the wall, it creates areas in which undigested proteins could easily slip out and leak into the bloodstream.


Colon Hydrotherapy is used to effectively cleanse the bowels. The specialized tube used in this process is called a Speculum. The speculum allows for the insertion of purified water and the removal of the waste. The type of speculum may differ from physician to physician but all work basically the same.

Registerd Dietitian Consultations and therapy are used along with the introduction of “friendly” bacteria to aid in healing the lining. Food allergy testing is also used to help identify problematic proteins. Once singled out, “rotation diets” could be used to avoid exposure to said proteins.

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