Colon Hydrotherapy Equipment at Tummy Temple

Our Colon Hydrotherapy Equipment

equip csacertification
Approved to international healthcare standards.

The Tummy Temple uses the world-acclaimed Aquanet EC2000 unit from Prime Pacific Health Corporation. In our twenty years of experience in colon hydrotherapy experimenting with a variety of makes and models we have yet to find a machine better than the Aquanet EC2000. Read what follows to learn why and come experience it for yourself.

Dual Operation Mode – Gravity and Pressure
Gravity & Pressure can be switched any time during treatment to accommodate patient’s level of tolerance and sensitivity.

Fully Integrated Disinfecting System dual operation mode for waste pathway & complete unit.

Automatic Pressure & Temperature Control
Features the most advance double safety components that will place the operator and patient at ease.

Precision Flow-Control and Flowmeter
Extra safety with built-in double safety components

Electronic Treatment Timer

Extra Quiet Operation.

Full Spectrum Waste-Pathway Lighting
Provides high penetration viewing and extreme long life. Operates on very low electric power (12 volt).

Triple Water Purification System
Double filtration plus Ultra Violet sterilization. Filtration expandable depending on local water conditions. Filter change indicator-gauge. UV operating monitor with built-in alarm.

Industrial Grade, High Impact Alloy Frame
Attractive beige color, powder coated for extra durability.

Wide Angle Viewing of Waste-Pathway
Allows easy viewing of expelled material.

The Aquanet EC-2000 has been tested and evaluated to the following healthcare standards:

CSA (Canadian Standards Association)

CAN/CSA C22.2 No 601.1-M90 – Safety of Healthcare Electrical Equipment, Part I,
CSA 601.1 Supplement 1: 1994 – General Requirements for Safety
CSA 601.1 Amendment 2: 1998
UL (Underwriters Laboratory, USA)
UL Std No 2601-1 (2nd Edition) – Safety of Healthcare Electrical Equipment, Part I: General Requirements for Safety
EC (European Code
IEC Publication 601-1 (1988) – Safety of Healthcare Electrical Equipment, Part I:
IEC 601-1 Amendment 1: 1991 General Requirements for Safety
IEC 601-1 Amendment 2: 1995

FDA Registration # 876.5220
Prime Pacific Health Innovations Corporation, the manufacturer of the Aquanet EC-2000 is Registered with the U.S. Food & Drug Administration as a healthcare equipment manufacturer.

Certification for ISO 9001, ISO 13485-2003 pending.

To contact Prime Pacific Health, the manufacturer of the Aquanet EC 2000, send e-mail to

equip kitparts
Disposable narrow diameter speculum kit (includes outflow tube, speculum and inflow tube).

Our Speculum Kits

At Tummy Temple we have carefully selected our speculum kits to provide maximum comfort, ease of use and sterility (they are disposable).

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