Elderly Man Finds Healthier Options than Chemical Laxatives

Client Details:

  • Male, 78 years old.
  • The client hernia surgery 3 years ago and has used chemical laxatives daily ever since.  He was given the laxative to manage the constipation after his surgery and continued to use it to assist with elimination.  He was concerned that he could not eliminate without the use of laxatives.
  • Seeking support to enhance elimination.


  • An initial Colon Hydrotherapy and Abdominal Massage session with a return visit the following week.  It was recommended that he minimize use of laxative while increasing hydration.
  • The initial Colon Hydrotherapy session revealed that his colon was very unresponsive.  He also had little sensation of pressure or movement within his colon.  Even touch sensations to the abdomen were minimal.  By the end of the session the sensation had mildly increased and hydration was clearly improved.  Leakage also occurred.  

    When he returned in a week he had only used the chemical laxative one time.  He had bowel movements every day except one.  He reported that his hydration levels were also up.  His follow up session was much better with increased sensation and increased peristaltic activity.  He released fecal material and felt comfortable throughout the session.  He also had little leakage due to improved muscle tone.  He was excited to try the next week without any laxatives and continued hydration focus.


  • Good outcome.
  • The client has reduced use of strong laxatives while enhancing elimination.  The client was very responsive to the therapies and quickly moving into a greater state of wellness.
  • The client will further continue to work with Massage and Colon Hydrotherapy while working towards migrating completely off of laxatives.   Daily self-massage is the target habit.

This case study was submitted by Kristi Zimmer, CCT, LMP, master level in both massage and colon hydrotherapy practitioner (and Tummy Temple founder). Read more about Kristi at her biography page and call (206)729-6211 to schedule an appointment.

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