Case Study: Beating Travel Bugs

Dr. Jamie Doughty, NDCase Studies

Katie, a 37 year old female, presented to clinic for a pre-travel naturopathic consultation. She was taking her family to Mexico for a week in June and wanted to support her immune system and gut barrier to promote resilience and avoid acquiring diarrhea. Traveler’s diarrhea … Read More

How to Give Yourself an Enema

Tim ZimmerPost Session Handouts

An enema is a great way to stimulate a bowel movement.  It will not cleanse the entire intestine nor will it condition the muscle.  However, it can bring instant relief when you are “in a bind” and when you know how to give yourself an … Read More

Case Study: The Aftermath of Antibiotics

Dr. Jamie Doughty, NDUncategorized

Julie, a 12-year-old girl, was brought to me by her mother with concerns regarding dark circles under her eyes, belly aches and constipation. Julie’s abdomen would hurt after dinner most nights. The family’s diet consisted of whole organic foods with occasional treats. Her bowel movements … Read More

Case Study: The healing power of cleansing

Tim ZimmerCase Studies


Spring has arrived and I know my system is craving movement, stimulation, sweating and clean eating, all key components that support cleansing! Cleansing provides us the opportunity for correcting imbalances in order to alleviate any ailment or suffering by transforming our physiology. The Tummy Temple’s … Read More

Case study: Fighting Shingles with Homeopathy

Tim ZimmerCase Studies

Naturopathic Medicine Olympia Lacey Shingles

Case: Katy was a 29-year-old active cyclist who was bouncing from one cycling event to the next. It was December and she was about to leave on vacation with her boyfriend for Vancouver Canada in order to participate in a cyclocross race. She had recently … Read More

Case Study: Detox to Address Weight Loss

Tim ZimmerCase Studies

weight loss detox

  Weight loss inherently involves detoxification as many toxins are stored in the liver, our body’s main organ for detoxification functions.  Other notable detox organs include the gall bladder, colon and kidneys. Nutrients to assist in phase 1 and 2 of bio-transformation of toxins in … Read More

What Is YOUR Love Language?

Web MasterNewsletter Articles

Everyone has a uniquely soothing love language. Whether you have discovered it or not is a different story. It requires a commitment to softening toward the self and digging into your vulnerable places. Once you find and then allow the voice that speaks this language … Read More

Grow A Healthy Community in 2019

Web MasterCommunity

Want to add superpower to your new year’s health goals? Then add companionship to your program! We’ve seen this improve outcomes over and over again throughout the years at our clinics. You can certainly go it alone and be successful, but adding healthy community to … Read More