Planning for Wellness

Web MasterLearn

Spring is coming! I have seen the signs; increased day light, buds on the trees, and birds are singing up a storm in my backyard. My mind turns to freshening up, and I’ve already started cleansing a few drawers and closets in the house. Now … Read More


Web MasterLearn

POWER By Shelly Shelley, LMP At New Year I choose a word that I want to represent that year. For 2013 I chose “Power”. I recognize that it is a loaded word and I’m clear about my intention in calling it forth. The type of … Read More

Channeling Love Through the Body Temple

Web MasterLearn

by Kristi Zimmer (LMP, co-owner) The day after the Newtown Tragedy I tearfully drove myself into the Tummy Temple for a scheduled Detox Massage appointment with Christina Sarver, LMP.  My heart was full of pain, my kidneys ached with terror, and my awakened womb felt … Read More

Organic Beauty: January 2013

Web MasterLearn

Organic Beauty Make 2013 the year that you cultivate more beauty in your life. At the Tummy Temple we address beauty from the inside out and the outside in, from services to products. We invite you to explore beauty with us. Set an appointment with … Read More

VIDEO: Happiness & My Search For It

Web MasterLearn

VIDEO: Happiness & My Search For It   By Jojie Natividad, LMP Jojie did a 5 minute talk at Amazing Grace Spiritual Center on December 9, 2012. Her talk is about her Journey to find Happiness. Jojie works as a Colon Therapist and Massage Therapist … Read More

Breaking Down and Breaking Through

Web MasterLearn

Breaking Down and Breaking Through By Amanda Coleman, LMP Amanda takes us on a spiral journey to help us gain respect for the dark night of winter and honor the sacred yin healing available to us this time of year.  Read on if you dare … Read More

Comfort Food That’s Good For You!

Web MasterLearn

Comfort Food That’s Good For You!     By Heidi Ochsner, MS RD     After the holiday season my digestive tract is ready for a break and my liver needs some love. Unfortunately, it’s cold and wet outside so I really don’t feel like … Read More

New Year, New Body, Mind and Spirit

Web MasterLearn

New Year New Body, Mind and Spirit   Welcome to 2013 and a grand opportunity to shed the ways of the past that no longer serve you and ignite a renewed sense of vitality. This marks the beginning of the most fertile season at the … Read More

Community Partners Highlight: Delicious Planet

Web MasterCommunity

Community Partners Highlight: Delicious Planet   Need help with the healthy eating aspect of your fall cleanse?  This local company has been making healthy food for folks and delivering it to your door for years.  Randi Carter, MS (Bastyr Nutrition grad) and her company, Delicious … Read More

Organic Beauty 101 – October 2012

Web MasterNewsletters

Organic Beauty 101 At the Tummy Temple we strive to create beauty that isn’t just skin deep.  Health and beauty go hand in hand.  This health applies to physical, mental and spiritual.  All of our therapies are designed to ignite that spark of self-care inside … Read More