4 Hands Insider Review

Web MasterLearn

My experience with four-hands massage/craniosacral work with Amanda and Shelly is difficult to explain because they took me and my nervous system to such a state of relaxation, yet awareness, that mere words seem to barely scratch the surface of the actual experience.  The way … Read More

Men Have Bellies Too

Web MasterLearn

I just returned from a 6 week journey through Central America learning about indigenous healing and the simplicity of Mother Earth’s natural cures for physical and energetic afflictions (which is why Wellbelly has been so quiet).    As I settle back into the hustle and bustle … Read More

For the Men!

Web MasterLearn

This one is for the men…we love our Temple Men!  If you are not a man reading this then think about one that you know and love.  We all have at least one beloved male in our lives; a father, a brother, a son, a … Read More

I’ll Have What She’s Having

Web MasterLearn

Right after Thanksgiving , shortly after I began working at the Tummy Temple, I was invited to join in the Temple Cleanse: where all the Templers embark on a cleansing or detox regime together, modified to suit our individual needs. My cleanse idea was simple: … Read More

The Beat of a Drum

Web MasterLearn

For your listening enjoyment, here is a short audio clip of one of my writings from Helen Lowe’s Witness Writing group. In our group, one participant draws a prompt and reads it–then pens go to paper and for the next ten minutes, in a “stream-of-consciousness” … Read More

Get the Juices Flowing

Web MasterLearn

This month summer officially begins.  Are you ready to get your juices flowing?  I’m talking about circulation at every level… your mind, body, and spirit.  Creativity, blood flow, social interaction, passion… a major increase in all of these is available to us during this warmest … Read More

Welcome Delicious Planet Community

Web MasterCommunity

  We are so excited to welcome you to the Tummy Temple.  Randi Carter, the owner of Delicious Planet, catered Tim & Kristi’s (owner’s of the Tummy Temple) wedding back in 2002.  We’ve been huge fans and support

You Are How You Eat

Web MasterLearn

A couple years ago, about this time, I started to feel…sluggish, weighted, and at the same time, restless. I got the idea to do a “cleanse”. After consulting with my supportive naturopath, I embarked on a 28 day cleanse and recruited my husband to join … Read More

Detox Days are Here! – April 2013 Newsletter Intro

Web MasterLearn

Love your Liver Spring has officially sprung.  Do you hear your liver calling?  Calling out for love and attention?  Maybe you don’t know the way that it speaks?  I do.  I listen to them and coax them out of their grumpy stuck positions up under … Read More

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Web MasterLearn

          Remember the old tale about the tortoise and the hare? It’s the story about the hare that ridicules a slow-moving tortoise and is challenged by him to a race. The hare soon leaves the tortoise in the dust and confident … Read More