“Lumbar Plexus Love” Exercise

Tim ZimmerNewsletter Articles

    Lie down on your back with something propped under your knees and a pillow under your head if you like. Make sure you are warm and comfortable. Place your hands between the navel and the pubis. Gently begin to direct your breath to … Read More

Pre-Holiday Cleansing! What a Great Idea!

Tim ZimmerNewsletter Articles


People often associate cleansing with Spring when a post-holiday reset is needed.  However, setting the body up for success before you head into the holiday will keep your body and mind better equipped to deal with the added stressors of too much sweets and treats … Read More

Thank You

Tim ZimmerNewsletter Articles

On October 1st my colleague, Amanda Coleman, and I facilitated Tummy Temple’s Vitality Night. The Temple hosts one of these per month to give you a taste of our experiential offerings; they are designed to evoke your inner vitality. The theme on this night was … Read More


Tim ZimmerNewsletter Articles


It was whispered to me in a bodywork session this week: It is the love you have for yourself that heals your body. Let’s entertain this for a moment. What if this were true? It could mean that remedies and therapies and surgeries are helpful … Read More