Seed Cycling for Natural Hormonal Balance

Tim ZimmerNewsletter Articles

Janell Hartman painting - Seed Cycling

By Janell Hartman, RYT The dancing ebb and flow of nature–it’s around us and within us. Ancient peoples from countless traditions have taught us that forging a personal relationship with these rhythms is central to balance in body, mind and spirit. We can experience these … Read More

Lifting off the layers

Tim ZimmerNewsletter Articles

I’ve been seeing some fantastic results with weight loss lately that I want to share with you.  In many of the clients I see, this may not have been our primary goal, yet a result of getting the system in balance. Honestly, I do not … Read More

Join our Healthcare Professional Network

Tim ZimmerNewsletter Articles

Tummy Temple is committed to sharing our collaborative approach to healthcare services and business with you; our professional community.  Please join us, by filling out the form below, to be invited to our open-house networking and educational events.     {source}<style type=”text/css”>.link,.link a,#SignUp .signupframe {   … Read More

Tim’s 20 Day Dream Cleanse

Tim ZimmerNewsletter Articles

Like I’ve mentioned in my previous emails, the BEST part of this cleanse is meeting so many of you who have been inspired, and in turn, re-inspire me!  Case in point, Tim Zimmer, Tummy Temple Co-Owner decided to “Tim-ify” my cleanse, ramp it up to … Read More